About me
Health Psychology Group
now | 01/2024
University of Bamberg
Research associate position investigating real-world dimensions of human heat behavior. Using mobile in situ/EMA methods, the project's objectives are to better understand structural obstacles in thermal stress protection for particularly vulnerable groups and to explore conditions under which health and well-being can be improved systematically in heat situations.
Responsibilities include:- Conceptualization and methodological development of the study
- Technical implementation and administration of EMA/ESM infrastructure
- Research data management and analysis
Project Group for Computational Epidemiology
12/2023 05/2022
Robert Koch-Institute | Humboldt University Berlin
Research assistant to the Corona Data Donation project together with Prof. Dirk Brockmann's group for Computational Epidemiology. The project group is part of the Working Group Complex Biological Systems at the Institute for Theoretical Biology and at the IRI Life Sciences at the HU Berlin.
Affiliated at the intersection of data analysis and outreach communications related to the Corona-Datenspende project. Responsibilities included:- Interactive science communication
- Data analysis and visualization
- Web development
Psychology and Infectious Diseases Lab: COSMO study group
11/2022 11/2021
University of Erfurt
Research on the link between human behavior and the spread of infectious diseases with Prof. Cornelia Betsch‘s working group. Part of the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO) team.
- survey research: programming of standardized questionnaires, development of survey items and experiments
- use of inferential methods for statistical analysis of trend and experimental data %>% visualization (R)
- project management tasks, e.g. coordination with associated research institutions and co-researchers, publication of the research data in accordance with the group's Open Science policy